One can try to still the mind and receive in an open state...or one can visualise going to various inner temples, sanctuaries, altars, or sacred spots and listening for guidance there. But the underlying theme is that when we meditate we are asking for information: whether that be from an external or internal Deity; from one's own subconscious, Higher Self, higher mind, or other aspects of the self; or from nature spirits, Devas, totem animals, angels, spirit guides, or ascended masters. Sometimes we explore our inner landscape and meet beings who are aspects of ourselves there. Sometimes we go to previously constructed inner temples. Sometimes we simply sit in a quiet spot and try to keep our mind open.

Elemental Meditations:

Air Meditation:

Go out into the wind, and walk at a steady pace into the wind, then turn and walk away from the wind. You can choose a pattern to walk in so that you have no decisions to make about where to go. This frees you to chant, "What is the Wind, who are the spirits of the Air? Over and over you repeat the chant. Listen carefully and concentrate on the answers the wind brings to your mind. Pay attention, and let the thoughts flow without evaluation. Let them make sense of themselves, or not. When you feel the wind has finished, thank the spirits of the Air, and bring yourself back to ordinary consciousness.

Fire Meditation:

Candle gazing is another amazing meditative tool. Light a candle and place it so that you need to look up slightly to see it. Unfocus your eyes, and concentrate only on the flame. Draw it into your self through your third eye, feeling the energy move back and forth from the candle to your brow and back. Ask the energy "What is the Flame, who are the spirits of Fire? Let the answers come to your consciuosness. When you finish, return all the fire energy to the flame with thanksgiving.
(You can also do this meditation using the Sun, close your eyes and concentrate on the warmth and energy of the sun, draw it into yourself asking the same question).

Water Meditation:

Using a dark bowl of water as a dark mirror to see through the physical world to the other side is called scrying. Water meditations often take us to the other world, the underworld to connect with people who have passed before us. Sit staring into the dark waters, breathing deeply and relaxing. Listen to the water sounds and drift with them deeply into the pool. Settle down into yourself and ask, "What is the sea, who are the spirits of Water?" When you finish, draw back from the water, blinking rapidly. Breathe deeply. Ground and center. Thank the water for its inner vision.
(You can also do this meditation sitting next to a lake, pond, etc.)

Earth Meditation:

Find a stone, hold it in both hands, center yourself and connect with the stones slow energy. Take your time. Breathe with the stone and seek its awareness, asking it if it will help you understand earth. Wait for an answer. If it agrees, ask "What is the rock, who are the spirits of the Earth?" Look for a symbol to appear on the rock itself. Gaze at it until the meaning of the symbol becomes clear. Do this with all four of the sides of the rock. If the rock disagrees, then hold it in both hands and wait to see if it has something else in mind. When you are finished on either path, thank the rock and return it to where you found it, unless it wishes to remain with you.

Moon Meditations:

Meditate on the Consciousness of the Moon and see who she or he is. Center yourself in your body, being aware of any tension you feel. Release that and let it go out of your consciousness. Send your grounding energy deep into the earth, anchoring on the bedrock. Feel safe, rooted and connected to the Earth. When you are ready, send your energy shooting up out of the Earth to the Moon and seek her/him out. Land there being aware of you surroundings. Look in the seven directions and view this place. Then turn and look back to the earth. Realise that your consciousness is really on the moon. Send your conscious energy across the Moonscape and seek the Lady or Lord who lives here. Ask with humility for an audience and learn who speaks to you. Listen. Ask questions. When you understand, give thanks and depart back to the bedrock, releasing your anchor, and coming back to your body.
Record what you have learned.

Meditate on the changing phases of the Moon and see how she or he reveals him or herself to you. First identify the current moon phase. Then once again, center yourself in your body, being aware of any tension you feel. Release that and let it go out of your consciousness. Send your grounding energy deep into the earth, anchoring on the bedrock. Feel safe, rooted and connected to the Earth. When you are ready, send your energy shooting up out of the Earth to the Moon and seek her/him out. Land there being aware of you surroundings. Give him/her honor in the seven directions and view this place. Then turn and look back to the earth. Realise that your consciousness is really on the moon. Being aware of the moon phase, send your conscious energy across the Moonscape and again seek the Lady or Lord who lives here, calling them by the name previously given. Ask with humility for a second audience to learn about the moon phases. Listen. Ask questions. When you finally understand, give thanks and depart back to the bedrock, releasing your anchor, and back to your body. Record what you have learned.

These Elemental and Moon Meditations were written by Webweaver

Book of Shadows © 2001, Dana (Huntress of the Dark)